Hoppscotch - Company
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The software world is in the midst of a monumental power shift from event-driven software to API-driven software. It’s our responsibility to arm this next generation of developers with the tools they need to focus on their work of creating software, and we’d like your help to get there.
Hoppscotch's mission is to empower developers to focus on their work of creating software.
In this new world, software developers and consumers don't need to rely on incumbents for their traditionally provided infrastructure. They can build a direct relationship with people and build software in new ways with uncapped upside. It's an entirely new form of the development lifecycle and it will span across entertainment, education, media, and other massive markets.
As software becomes businesses, they'll need an entirely new set of tools that won't look or feel like the ones of the past. They don't want to write API documentation, they want a tool as simple as Google Docs. They don't want Dropbox, they want effortless sharing.
The specifics of what we work on will change over time, but we're focused on building a world that enables developers to exceed their potential. We have a long journey ahead of us, and we’d like your help.
About the founders
Hoppscotch was founded by Liyas Thomas (CEO) and Andrew Bastin (CTO) in 2019.
We've had the opportunity to be early (sometimes first) employees at a handful of startups and have seen the ups and downs of scaling a business, product, and culture.